Pastor Chanthal Whites

Associate Pastors of A.G.M

Amazing Grace Ministry

Pastor Chanthal graduated with a Theology Degree at Amazing Grace Bible College 2014, under the leadership of Doctor Gerhard and Karin Kotze. At the time I was the senior pastor of a ministry I started in 2010 called Chanthal Whites Ministries, however on the 19th November 2017 we joined Amazing Grace Ministries. Through God’s Grace I am fulfilling my purpose and destiny as an Evangelist and I am blessed to know God send me to this ministry at the right time and under the right leadership, leadership that want me to grow and reach my God given purpose along with every single member that joined with me at the time.

Dr. Gerhard is also the mentor of pastor Chanthal.

Step Up with Chanthal Whites

Step Up with Chanthal Whites, is a television Talk Show Ministry which was birth in 2005 and was released in 2017 on God TV. Step Up is a ministry for women, I believe as God is using me in His kingdom to be a voice to those who do not have the opportunity to reach thousands of women but is allowing me to speak on their behalf, I also believe He wants every daughter of Him to reach their destiny and make a difference in this nation and their generation. Step Up gives ladies a voice to share their testimony and life experiences and speak about how God brought them through the storms of life, how they survived to tell the story and share God’s goodness and grace.

You can watch Step Up with Chanthal Whites every Tuesday evening at 21:00 on God TV on channel  1047

A brand new season of Step Up with Chanthal Whites will soon be aired on Life Broadcasting Network, times to be confirmed.

You can also follow Step Up with Chanthal Whites live on Radio Disa 95.9fm every Tuesday morning with Monica Coetsee @ 10:30, where we touch real life issues and situation we as ladies face on a daily basis.  

You can also follow Step Up with Chanthal Whites on my personal website –

Wednesday Evening Prayer Meetings

Every Wednesday evening Prayer Meetings is lead by Pastor Chanthal under the leading of the Holy Spirit, and through the Grace of God, we have weekly testimonies of members and visitors how God changed their circumstances, their prayer lives and most important their relationships with God.

For more details about our prayer meetings contact our offices at Amazing Grace Ministries Monday – Thursday from 09:00 – 14:00 on 021 – 930 1504.

Radio Disa 95.9FM

Pastor Chanthal is the Program Manager and every weekday morning from 07:00 – 09:00 she joins Dr. Gerhard Kotze on one of the flagship programs as a breakfast presenter on the Douvoordag program. Disa is currently the leading Christian Voice in the Overberg and Helderberg.

Additional Programs

Monday’s  13:15: Motivation with Pastor Chanthal Whites  (5 min)

Monday’s  19:00: Evening message with Pastor Chanthal Whites  (15-20 min)                                          

To live stream our programs go to: / Disa 95.9fm ‘We proclaim Christ Unashamedly’.

Amazing Grace Bible College

Pastor Chanthal is one of the lectures at AGM Bible College, she focuses on ‘The Development of a Powerful Prayer Life’.  

Lady Rose Gift of God Magazine

The Lady Rose Gift of God magazine is a quarterly magazine and is currently the fastest growing Christen Family magazines in the world, Pastor Chanthal is writing exclusively for the ‘Single’s’ column, under her Step Up ministry.

For Pastor Chanthal’s articles:

Niewouldtville Ministry

Pastor Chanthal started a ministry (2012) in the Northern Cape in a small town called Nieuwouldtville, the heart of the Rooibos province called the “Bulb Capital of the World” in South Africa. It is also where her father Gert Whites was born, one of the sons from one of the most amazing prayer warriors of all time in her life called Ouma (grandma) Eva Whites. A women who left a prayer legacy in the hearts of her family and so many people in and from this small town.