I started the GOLDEN EAGLES group in Nov 2015 with 5 widows because I really have a heart for these ladies left behind after their husbands passed away. They need to find a new way of living and also new friends because suddenly they do not fit in with couples. They need to talk while going through the trauma of the mourning process which is not easy.
After 2 years we end up in November 2017 with 45 ladies. Some of them not widows, but single, divorced or just lonely, as we decided to open the group for ladies that feel to join. Elmarie Mohr is of great help to me as the Lord lay it on her heart to come and help me and since 2016 she is my right-hand. She also did her BA degree in Theology at Amazing Grace Bible College.
Our vision is to make a difference in other people’s life and to reach out to the community as well in our own assembly, Amazing Grace Ministries.
People are so lonely and just ask to be recognized and this is where we fit in. The ladies, from quiet and shy, just explode to busy beez and reach out to everyone in need.

Once a year we fetch the children at Dusk to Dawn where orphans or abandoned kids stay and treat them for the day. The first year we brought them to the church and each one got a gift pack with their name on as well as a plate of food, juice and cupcakes. The second year we took them to the Spur for lunch and this was such a highlight in their lives. Everyone received a crochet blanket, done by the ladies of the Golden Eagles.
View Gallery Make DonationWe also reach out to ‘DIE PASTORIE’, an old age home, and attend to the people’s need. We hand out blankets, crochets by the Golden Eagles and also gave each one a gift pack for Christmas.
The Golden Eagles also send knitted gift packs to abandoned babies.
We get together once a month and once a year we get a Professor from Stellenbosch University to speak to the ladies regarding their health. The first year Quinette Louw was the speaker and the second year was Dawn Ernetzen. They really blessed us.
We do have a whattsapp group where they encourage each other, and when someone is sick, we immediately know it and start praying. We also go and visit the ladies when they are hospitalized. On their birthdays, we put a photo on the group and wish them. They also get a very small gift at our get together.
In 2017 we had a picnic at the Jack Muller Park and that really was a blessing to all of them to just get out and eat, and they were spoiled to pieces.
These ladies are growing spiritually and we had communion together and wash their feet. This was an amazing experience to all of us. So many highlights I can recall. I humbly bow before my King for the opportunity that Pastor Gerhard and Pastor Karin Kotze gave me to start this group